White Elephant Christmas Disc Exchange & Random Dubs Mini
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White Elephant Christmas Exchange Random Dubs Mini- December 10th at Cameron Park West. Entry Fee: $20.00 plus an unwrapped Toy. Entry Fee Breakdown: $10.00 toward payout, $5.00 toward Ace-Pot, $5.00 towards Charity. Bring with you: 2 wrapped discs (new or lightly used mid & driver) and 1 Putter you will use during the round.
Sign-ups: Begins at 9:00 and ends at 9:30am at which time the White Elephant Disc Exchange Begins. Gift Exchange Rules: The discs can be stolen twice.
Random Dubs Mini: Playing Holes 1-23a
Separate groups for Women and Juniors will be created if there is enough interest.
Charity: Proceeds and donated toys benefit: www.letterstosantaon6th.org
#254discgolf #discaholics #discaholicsdiscgolfstore #teamdiscaholics #letterstosanta #letterstosanta #letterstosanta<img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/te1/1.5/16/1f385.png" alt="